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The BA/MA program (also known as the 4+1 program) is a five-year program that combines an undergraduate degree in History with a Master’s degree in History.


The accelerated nature of the program enables highly-qualified undergraduate students to take graduate-level courses in their final undergraduate year (once they have completed 90 undergraduate credit hours, per UM regulations) and then complete the Master’s degree in one year of full-time study, rather than the usual two years of full-time graduate study, and at a reduced cost.

Students apply to the program in their Junior year and applications will be reviewed by the Department of History’s graduate committee. To qualify for admission to the program, applicants must:

  •  have earned 15 credit hours in History courses, including 3 credit hours at the 500-level
  • have earned a 3.5 GPA in History courses
  • receive an endorsement from one full-time faculty member in the Department of History who agrees to serve as the student’s MA advisor
  • submit their application to the program no later than January 5th of their Junior year

Applicants need to complete the general application form, available at this link

To remain in the program, students must: 

  • complete all requirements for the History BA
  • complete all requirements for the History MA
  • enroll in a minimum of 12 undergraduate credit hours per semester until the BA is awarded
  • earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 in all History graduate coursework 

The Department of History’s graduate committee, in conjunction with each student’s MA Advisor, will assess the student’s progress after each semester. 

The course of study consists of a combination of required and elective graduate-level courses. During their final undergraduate year, students will take History 721 in the Fall and History 701 in the Spring. During the following Summer, students will take History 723 (Summer A) and History 724 (Summer B). During their fifth (MA) year, students will take 9 graduate credits in the Fall including History 702 and 9 graduate credits in the Spring. The program culminates with the completion of an oral examination conducted by the student’s advisor and one other faculty member. The exam will draw upon the student’s course work as well as their research and seminar paper from History 701-702. Students should identify their examiners during the Fall semester of their MA (5th) year.
