
Accordion Group

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  • Spring 2024 Events

    The Ethiopian Revolution eventThe Ethiopian Revolution of 1974: 50 Years On - January 26-27, 2024 (University of Miami)

    February 2024 will mark five decades since the outbreak of the Ethiopian revolution of 1974. The University of Miami will hold an international symposium to mark this important event in African history titled “The Ethiopian Revolution of 1974: 50 Years On” from January 26 - 27, 2024. The symposium will bring together scholars, researchers, students, and interested people from around the world to interrogate and discuss papers presented by scholars on varying aspects of the revolution in a 50-year retrospective. The goal is to examine the post-1974 historical processes in modern Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa in the context of the geopolitics of continental developments, the Red Sea basin, and global factors, including the Cold War, and scrutinize the competing, often contradictory, historiographical viewpoints through the prism of fresh sources and innovative methodological approaches.

    The event will take place at the Frost Institute for Chemistry & Molecular Biology Seminar Room, Coral Gables Campus.

    For more information, please contact:
    Dr. Edmund Abaka:
    Dr. Etana Dinka:
    Kristine A. Stephenson:

  • Spring 2023 Event

    Book Talk with Mayor Daniella Levine Cava and Professor Robin Bachin

    Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava with Professor Robin Bachin at her book talk at Books and Books on Engaging Place, Engaging Practices: Urban History and Campus-Community Partnerships.

    Book Talk with Mayor Daniella Levine Cava and Professor Robin Bachin

  • Spring 2020 Events

    Culture and the Politics of Opposition in Turkey: Turning Points 

    Dr. Christine Philliou, Associate Professor of History, U.C. Berkeley

    Thursday January 30, 3:30-5:00pm 

    Otto G. Richter Library 3rd Floor Conference Room 


    Roundtable: Muslim History and Europe   

    Dr. Emily Greble, Associate Professor of History, Vanderbilt University 

    Dr. Terrence Peterson, Assistant Professor of History, Florida International University 

    Dr. Christine Philliou, Associate Professor of History, U.C. Berkeley 

    Dr. Dominique Reill, Associate Professor of History, University of Miami 

    Friday January 31, 2020

    Otto G. Richter Library, 3rd Floor Conference Room 



    "Madwomen on the Slave Ship: Reproduction and Racial Capitalism"

    Dr. Jennifer Morgan, Professor of History, New York University

    Thursday February 13, 2020, 7:00 PM

    Lowe Art Musuem


    Undercurrents: Connection and Rupture in the Caribbean, from the Pre-Columbian Era to 1900

    A Symposium organized by the Humanities Center 

    February 13-14, 2020


    "Rethinking Rufus: Sexual Violations of Enslaved Men"

    Dr. Thomas Foster, Professor of History, Howard University 

    Friday April 10, 2020, 12:30-2:00pm

    Otto G. Richter Library, 3rd Floor Conference Room 

  • Fall 2019 Events

    M. Scott Heerman, Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Miami 

    "Freedom in Chains: Ransom, Redemption, and the Slave Trade 

    Atlantic Studies Reading Group

    3:30pm, October 2, Center for the Humanities Conference Room 

    Stanford Distinguished Lecture: Dr. Mimi Sheller, Professor of Sociology, Drexel University 

    "Caribbean Futures and the Coloniality of Climate Change"

    7:00pm, October 3, Kislak Center

    Remeber to register


    New Directions in Cuban Studies

    October 17-18, Kislak Center


    Philip G. Nord, Rosengarten Professor of Modern and Contemporary History, Princeton University 

    "KL Natzweiler-Struthof: Remembering a Concentration Camp in France"

    12:30pm, October 30, Richter Library, 3rd Floor


    Herman Beck, Professor of History

    "The Nazi Takeover in a New Light: A Re-Interpretation of the Seizure of Power in 1933"

    3:30-5:00, Thursday October 31, Miller Center Auditorium


    Ian Merkel, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Miami  

    "Brazil and the Reconstruction of the French Social Sciences"

    Atlantic Studies Reading Group

    3:30pm, November 14, Center for the Humanities Conference Room 


    Stanford Distinguished Lecture: Allan M. Brandt, Dean, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Amalie Moses Kass Professor of the History of Medicine, Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School 

    "Enduring Stigma: Historical Perspectives on Disease Meanings and Their Impacts" 

    7:00 pm, November 21, Kislak Center 

    Remember to register!


  • Spring 2019 Events

    Catherine Hall (Emerita Professor of History and Chair of the Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slave-Ownership, University College London)

    Henry King Stanford Distinguished Lecture Series
    "Edward Long and the Making of 'Race' Across the Black/White Atlantic"
    30 January 2019, 7:00pm
    Kislak Center, Richter Library
    Sponsored by the Center for the Humanities

    Bill Bulman (Associate Professor of History and Global Studies, Lehigh University)

    “The Rise of the Majority in Revolutionary England and its Empire.” 
    11 February 2019, 4:30pm
    Third Floor Conference Room of Richter Library
    Co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities Medieval and Early Modern Studies Interdisciplinary Research Group and the Department of History
    The majority vote is the foundational element of representative assemblies, party politics, and democracy in today's world. While nearly all academics and the public at large have come to see this way of making decisions as natural to the political realm, it is actually an historical accident. The prevalence of the majority vote today is due to the fact that it suddenly became the practice of the English House of Commons and the North American colonial assemblies when Britain's empire first took shape. Yet this process has never been narrated or explained. This project aims to do both, using traditional and digital tools.

    Jim Grossman (Executive Director, American Historical Association)

    Workshop: "Preparing Humanities PhD's for the Future Instead of the Past"
    15 February 2019, 12:30pm
    Learning Commons Flexible Program Space, First Floor, Richter Library
    For UM Humanities Faculty and Graduate Studies
    Visit the Center for the Humanities website to register
    Slightly less than half of all history Ph.D's end up in tenured or tenure-track positions in colleges and universities. Approximately one-third of those are in research universities. In language and literature, the other discipline for which there are good data, the landscape looks about the same, perhaps even a bit thinner. Are our Ph.D programs preparing students for the careers they are likely to have, whether as faculty in the broad context of higher education or beyond the professoriate? Jim Grossman, executive director of the American Historical Association will discuss the AHA's inquiries into whether and how graduate preparation in history and other humanities disciplines might adapt to this changing landscape. The conversation will consider how our programs can help our Ph.D students broaden their career horizons and better prepare them for that wider terrain. The workshop is directed both towards faculty and graduate students.

    Rudolf Dekker (Autobiographical Writing and History Research Group Director, Huizinga Institute, Research School for Cultural History, University of Amsterdam)

    Edith Bleich Lecture
    "The Secret Diary of Constantijn Huygens, Jr. (1628-1697): Society, Politics, and Culture in the Late Seventeenth Century"
    21 February 2019, 7:00pm
    Kislak Center, Richter Library
    Sponsored by the Center for the Humanities
    To register, click here

    Life Writing Historicized: The Individual in Social and Cultural Context in Europe, 1300-1800

    22-23 February 2019
    Iron Arrow Room, Shalala Center
    For the full conference program, click here

    Miranda Spieler (Associate Professor of History, American University of Paris)

    Work in progress seminar
    25 February 2019, 12:30pm
    Seminar Room, Law School Library

    Karen Matthews (Assistant Professor of Art History, University of Miami)

    Work in progress seminar, Center for the Humanities Medieval and Early Modern Studies Interdisciplinary Research Group
    7 March 2019, 12:30pm
    Center for the Humanities Conference Room, Richter Library 100

    Bianca Premo (Professor of History, Florida International University)

    Work in progress seminar, Center for the Humanities Medieval and Early Modern Studies Interdisciplinary Research Group
    15 April 2019, 12:30pm
    Center for the Humanities Conference Room, Richter Library 100

  • Fall 2018 Events

    September 5, 2018 at 8:00pm

    Martin Nesvig, Associate Professor of History, University of Miami
    Promiscuous Power: An Unorthodox History of New Spain

    Center for the Humanities Booktalk
    Books & Books
    265 Aragon Avenue
    Coral Gables, FL 33134
    Free and open to the public

    October 11, 2018 at 3:30pm

    Peter Reill, Distinguish Research Professor in History, UCLA
    Title TBA

    Department of History Speaker Series
    3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library
    Free and open to the public

    November 8, 2018 at 3:30pm

    Heidi Tinsman, Professor of History, UC-Irvine
    Title TBA

    Department of History Speakers Series
    Location TBA
    Free and open to the public

    November 15, 2018 at 7:00pm

    Christopher de Hamel, Parker Librarian, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
    Title TBA

    Henry King Stanford Distinguished Professor Lecture Series
    Location TBA
    Free and open to the public

    December 5, 2018 at 8:00pm

    Scott Heerman, Assistant Professor of History, University of Miami
    The Alchemy of Slavery: Human Bondage and Emancipation in the Illinois Country, 1730-1865

    Center for the Humanities Booktalk
    Books & Books

    265 Aragon Avenue
    Coral Gables, FL 33134
    Free and open to the public

  • 2017-18 Events

    Elizabeth Hill Boone

    Professor and Chair, Department of Art, Tulane University 

    Spatial Grammars: The Union of Art and Writing in the Painted Books of Aztec Mexico

    September 15, 2017 

    Wellsley Gallery

    Sponsored by the Henry King Stanford Distinguished Professor Lecture Series

    Annette Gordon Reed 

    Charles Warren Professor of American Legal History, Professor of History, Harvard University
    Making Black Citizenship: The Importance and Limits of the Law 
    October 19, 2017 

    7:00 PM, Grand Ballroom, SAC

    Sponsored by the Henry King Stanford Distinguished Professor Lecture Series

    Greg Downs 

    Professor of History, U.C. Davis

    "The Civil War the World Made: Cuba, Spain, and the Crisis of U.S. Politics in the 1850s" 

    3:30 PM, School of Nursing Board Room (Room 102)

    November 8, 2017 

    The Civil War the World Made

    Thomas Laqueur

    Helen Fawcett Professor of History, U.C. Berkeley

    Phil Beta Kappa Lecture: "Why Do We Care for the Dead?"

    4:30pm, February 5, 2018, 3rd Floor, SAC

    Sponsored by the Department of History's Speakers Series

    Why Do We Care for the Dead

    Vincent Brown

    Charles Warren Professor of History, Professor of African and African American Studies, Harvard University

    ""The Coromantee War: Charting the Course of an Atlantic Slave Revolt"

    February 15, 2108

    Lowe Art Museum, 7:00pm

    Sponsored by the Henry King Stanford Distinguished Professor Lecture Series

    The Coromantee War: Charting the Course of an Atlantic Slave Revolt

    Research Symposium: The Many 14th Amendments


    Dylan C. Penningroth, Professor of History and Law, U.C. Berkeley,

    Steven Hahn, Professor of History, New York University,

    Naomi Lamoreaux, Stanley B Resnor Professor of Economics and History, Yale University,

    Mae Ngai, Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History, Columbia Univeristy,

    Tomiko Brown-Nagin, Daniel PS Paul Professor of Constitutional Law, Harvard Law School

    March 1-3, 2018

    3rd Floor, SAC

    Sponsored by the office of the President, Office of the Provost, College of Arts and Sciences, Miami Law School, Center for the Humanities, Richter Library, Departments of History, English, and Political Science

    The Many 14th Amendments

    Ingrid Rowland

    Professor of History, Notre Dame

    April 5, 2018

    Sponsored by the Edith Bleich Speaker Series 

  • 2016-2017 Speaker Series

    Gregory W. Bush

    Associate Professor of History, University of Miami

    White Sand Black Beach: Civil Rights, Public Space, and Miami's Virginia Key(University Press of Florida, 2016)

    August 23, 2016 at 8:00pm
    Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134

     Alice Domurat Dreger

    Galileo’s Middle Finger: Why Social Progress Depends on Freedom of Inquiry

    September 22, 2016 at 7:00pm

    Storer Auditorium

    Sponsored by the Henry King Stanford Distinguished Professor Lecture Series

    Alice Domurat Dreger

    Should We Be Adding "I" to "LGBTQ"?

    September 23, 2016 at 4:30pm

    United Wesley Gallery

    Sponsored by the Henry King Stanford Distinguished Professor Lecture Series

    Matthew Jacobson

    William Robertson Coe Professor of American Studies and History, Yale University

    The Civil Rights Era as Cultural History: The Case of Baseball's Desegregation

    September 29, 2016 at 12:15pm

    Physics Conference Room

    Sponsored by the Department of History's Speakers Series

    Stephen R. Halsey

    Associate Professor of History, University of Miami

    Booktalk on Quest for Power: European Imperialism and the Making of Chinese Statecraft (Harvard University Press, 2015)

    October 5, 2016 at 8:00pm
    Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables, FL 33134

    Sponsored by the University of Miami Center for the Humanities

    Alison Frank Johnson

    Professor of History, Harvard University

    Traffic: German Chemists, Austrian Smugglers, and the Cocaine Epidemic in India, 1908-1914

    October 27, 2016 at 3:30pm
    3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library

    Sponsored by the Department of History's Speakers Series

    Lyndal Roper

    Regius Professor of History, Oxford University

    Luther, Dreams, and the Reformation

    November 3, 2016 at 7:00pm
    Shoma Hall / School of Communications

    Sponsored by the Henry King Stanford Distinguished Professor Lecture Series

    Gerhard Weinberg

    Professor Emeritus of History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

    Title TBA

    March 23, 2016 at 3:30pm
    Miller Center Auditorium

    Sponsored by the Department of History Speakers Series

  • 2015-2016 Speakers

    Karl Gunther

    Associate Professor of History, University of Miami

    Booktalk on Reformation Unbound: Protestant Visions of Reform in England, 1525-1590 (Cambridge, 2014)

    8:00pm, September 9th, 2015

    Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33134

    Booktalk on Reformation Unbound

    Charles Neu

    Professor Emeritus of History, Brown University

    4:00pm, October 27th, 2015

    3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library

    Mary Lindemann 

    Professor of History, Univeristy of Miami

    Booktalk on The Merchant Republics: Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Hamburg, 1648–1790

    8:00 p.m. Wednesday, January 20, 2016

    Books & Books, 265 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33134 

    Booktalk on The Merchant Republics

    Michael T. Bernath 

    Charleton W. Tebeau Associate Professor, University of Miami

    Moderating on "Lincoln and Immigration"‌

    January 24th, 1:00-3:00

     HistoryMiami 101 West Flagler Street, Miami, FL 33130

    Moderating on "Lincoln and Immigration"‌

    Robin Fleming

    Professor of HIstory, Boston College

    "Living with the Fall of Rome: Britain in the 'Dark Ages'"

    4:30pm, Friday Feburary 5, 2016

    Otto G. Richter Library, Third Floor Conference Room

    "Living with the Fall of Rome: Britain in the 'Dark Ages'"

    Timothy Burke

    Professor of History, Swarthmore College

    2:00pm, March 18th, 2016

    3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library

    Mark Salber Phillips 

    Professor of History, Carleton University 

    4:30pm, March 24, 2016

    Ashe Building 427

    Mark Salber Phillips

    Hermann Beck 

    Professor of History, University of Miami 

    Cooper Fellow Lecture

    "Before the Holocaust: Anti-Semetic Violence during the Nazi Seizure of Power" 

    3:30pm, April 14, 2016

    Miller Center Auditorium, Judaic Studies Center, Merrick 105

    Before the Holocaust

    Kolleen Guy

    Associate Professor of History, University of Texas, San Antonio 

    Speaking in Honor of Professor Steve Stein on the Occasion of his Retirment

    “Seduction of the Past: The Historian and the Wine Narrative” 

    3:30pm, April 20, 2016

    CAS Wesley Gallery 

    “Seduction of the Past: The Historian and the Wine Narrative”

  • 2014-15 Speakers Series

    Andrew FrankAn Accident of Geography‌‌

    Florida State University

    "An Accident of Geography: Uncovering Miami's Ancient and not so Ancient Past"

    October 14, 2014 – 3:30pm
    3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library


    John Chuchiak

    Missouri State University

    "Writing as Resistance: Maya Graphic Pluralism and Indigenous Elite Strategies for Survival in Colonial Yucatán 1550-1750"

    November 10, 2014 – 3:00pm
    Communication International Building, Room 4053

    Sponsored by the Department of Anthropology's Speaker Series, co-sponsored by the Department of History 

    Edward Baptist

    Cornell University

    December 2, 2014 – 3:30pm
    Wolfson Building, Room #4029

    Edward Muir

    Northwestern University

    "Guido Ruggiero's Renaissance"

    April 10, 2015 – 3:30pm
    Co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities

  • 2013-14 Speakers Series

    violence-in-the-haitian-revolutionJEREMY POPKIN

    University of Kentucky


    November 21, 2013 – 3:30pm
    Location: Richter Library 3rd Floor Conference Room

    Co-Sponsored by the Center for the Humanities and the Atlantic Studies Research Group

    Click here to download PDF


    University of Notre Dame


    January 30, 2014 – 3:30pm
    Location: Miller Center Auditorium, 5202 University Drive, Merrick Building, Coral Gables, FL 33124

    Click here to download PDF


    University of North Carolina


    February 27, 2014 – 3:30pm
    Location: Miller Center Auditorium

    Click here to download PDF

  • 2012-13 Speakers Series

    MARY LOUISE ROBERTSrape-hysteria-and-the-sexual-economy-of-race

    Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison


    Thursday February 7th, 2013, 3:30 p.m.
    3rd Floor Conference Room
    Richter Library

    Co-sponsored by the Program in Women's and Gender Studies

    Click here to view PDF



    David Boies Professor of History and Sociology, University of Pennsylvania


    Thursday February 28th, 2013, 3:30 p.m.
    College of Arts & Sciences Gallery

    Co-sponsored by the Program in American Studies

    Click here to view PDF



    Distinguished Professor of History
    University of Alabama at Birmingham


    Wednesday March 6, 2013, 6:00pm
    Jorge M. Perez Architecture Center
    Glasgow Lecture Hall

    Sponsored by the University of Miami Office of Civic & Community Engagement; Co-sponsored by the Department of History and the Miami-Dade County Community Relations Board

    Click here to view PDF



    Professor of History, University of Kentucky


    Tuesday, March 26th, 2013, 3:30 p.m.
    3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library

    Sponsored by the Department of History and the Office of the Dean, College of Arts & Sciences.

    Click here to view PDF



    Robert W. and Shirley P. Grimble Professor of American History
    University of Delaware


    Thursday November 15th, 2012, 3:30 p.m.
    3rd Floor Conference Room
    Richter Library

    Co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities

    Click here to view PDF



    Postdoctoral Fellow
    University of Nicosia, Cyprus


    Tuesday November 20, 2012

    CIB 5063 (School of Communication) 

    Click here to view PDF

  • 2011-12 Speakers Series


    Four-day institute for advanced graduate students and recent postdocs

    May 14-17, 2012

    Keynote address is open to the public:

    Professor of History and African and African American Studies
    Duke University

    "Cartographies of Atlantic Worlds: What Are We Mapping?"

    Monday May 14, 4:30pm

    Wesley/CAS Gallery

    Sponsored by the Program in American Studies and the Department of History

    Co-sponsored by the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences, the University of Miami Libraries, the Africana Studies Program, the Atlantic Studies Interdisciplinary Research Group, the Department of English, the Department of Geography and Regional Studies, the Graduate School, the Center for the Humanities, the Center for Latin American Studies, the Joseph Carter Fund of the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, and the Department of Philosophy.

    Click here to view PDF

    the-year-of-the-lash‌MICHELE REID-VAZQUEZ

    Assistant Professor of History 
    Georgia State University

    Monday April 16, 2012 3:30pm
    Location: 3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library

    Sponsored by the Department of History

    Click here to view PDF


    Deborah R. and Edgar D. Jannotta Professor of Medieval History and Social Thought 
    The University of Chicago

    "Medieval History Meets Geopolitics: Judaism, Christianity, Islam"

    Monday March 26, 2012, 3:30 pm
    Location: The Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies

    Sponsored by the Department of History; cosponsored by the Sue and Leonard Miller Center for Contemporary Judaic Studies and the Department of Religious Studies

    "Race, Gender, and Regional Conflict in Brazil: The War of São Paulo, 1932"BARBARA WEINSTEIN

    Professor of History
    New York University

    "Race, Gender, and Regional Conflict in Brazil: The War of São Paulo, 1932"

    Monday February 27, 2012, 3:30 pm
    Location: 3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library

    Sponsored by the Department of History; cosponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies

    Click here to view PDF

    America's International Civil War;DON DOYLE

    McCausland Professor of History, University of South Carolina

    "America's International Civil War"

    Thursday February 2, 2012, 3:30 p.m.
    Location: 3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library

    Sponsored by the American Studies Program; cosponsored by the Department of History

    Click here to view PDF


    beyond the icon and the axe


    Professor of Russian Literature
    Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures

    Thursday November 10, 2011, 3:30pm
    Location: College of Arts and Sciences Gallery, 1210 Stanford Drive

    Sponsored by the Department of History

    Click here to view PDF


    Associate Professor of History
    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    “Independence Lost: The Gulf Coast and the American Revolution”

    Thursday October 6, 2011, 4:30 pm
    Location: 3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library

    Sponsored by the Atlantic Studies Research Group of the Center for the Humanities and cosponsored by the Department of History

    the-fiery-trialERIC FONER

    DeWitt Clinton Professor of History
    Columbia University

    “The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery”

    Thursday September 22, 2011, 4:30 pm
    Location: Storer Auditorium
    UM School of Business Administration
    5250 University Drive

    Sponsored by the Department of History; cosponsored by the Center for the Humanities and the Program in American Studies

    Click here to view PDF

    housing-mattersALEXANDER VON HOFFMAN

    Senior Research Fellow, Joint Center for Housing Studies
    Graduate School of Design, Harvard University

    "Housing Matters: America's Quest for Decent Homes"

    Monday September 12, 2011
    5pm, Reception in the Korach Gallery
    5:30-7:00pm, Lecture in Glasgow Hall
    Location: Jorge M. Perez Architecture Center
    1215 Dickinson Drive
    Coral Gable Campus

    Sponsored by the Office of Civic & Community Engagement and co-sponsored by the American Studies Program

    Click here to view PDF


    State University of New York Trustees Distinguished Professor of History
    State University of New York, Stony Brook

    Friday September 9, 2011
    12:30-2 pm (lunch served at 12:15 pm) 
    Location: Fourth Floor Faculty Seminar Room, UM School of Law

    Sponsored by the UM School of Law Legal Theory Workshop and cosponsored by the Department of History

    Click here to view PDF

  • 2010-11 Speakers Series



    Professor of History, Vanderbilt University
    Public Lecture:  "The Atlantic Lives of Francisco Menéndez: Mandinga Captive, Yamasee Warrior, and Vassal of the Spanish King"
    Tuesday, April 5, 3:30-5 pm
    3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library
    Co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities, the Program in Africana Studies, and the Atlantic Studies Research Group

    Click here to view PDF

    MARCH 24TH

    University Distinguished Professor of History and Professor of the History of Christianity, Vanderbilt University
    "The Political Origins of the History Play"
    Thursday, March 24, 4:30pm
    3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library
    Co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities, Early Modern Studies Research Group, and the Departments of English and History


    Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Cooper Union 
    Publishing Workshop: "The Professional Scholarly Writer"
    Thursday, March 3, 2 pm
    College of Arts and Science Gallery
    Co-sponsored by the Center for the Humanities, the Graduate School, and the Departments of English, History, Modern Languages and Literatures, and Philosophy

    the-history-of-the-end-of-the-worldFEBRUARY 28TH

    >Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Latin American History and Anthropology, and Director of Latin American Studies, Pennsylvania State University
    Public Lecture:  "The History of the End of the World (in 2012)" 
    Monday, February 28, 3:30-5 pm
    3rd Floor Conference Room, Richter Library
    Co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American Studies

    Click here to view PDF
