Congratulations to Jordan Raneil Smith, who was honored for Outstanding Achievement in History; seen here (center) from Professors Hugh Thomas, Phil Harling, Ashli White, and Krista Goff. Students graduating with honors and awards: from left, Raneil Jordan Smith, Elisha Saenza, Prof. Martin Nesvig (DUS), Zoe Fundora, Andrés Krikorian. Students graduating with honors or awards, from left: Raneil Jordan Smith, Elisha Saenz, Zoe Fundora, Andrés Krikorian. Congratulations to Andrés Krikorian (c), who graduated with honors in history, having written a senior thesis; seen here with Prof. Martin Nesvig, DUS (l) and Prof. Kate Ramsey, who directed the thesis (r) Congratulations to the winner of the award in Civic and Community Engagement, Zoe Fundora (l), pictured with Prof. Robin Bachin (r) Congratulations to Best Graduating Senior Elisha Saenz (c), seen here with Prof. Michael Bernath (l) and Prof. Ashli White (r)
Congratualtions to Rafael Paz on being named Top Graduating Senior, to Colter Lasley and Brianna Hernandez for winning the Jennifer Wollmann Prize for Outstanding Achievement in History, and to Abbie Auster for winning the Jennifer Wollmann prize for Civic Engagement!
Congratulations to John Wiltshire on being named the 2016-17 Top Graduating Senior, to Andrew Wodrich, Zac Cosner, and Abigail Johnson (not pictured) for winning the Jennifer Wollmann prizes for Outstanding Performance in History, and finally to Katrina Enoch (not pictured) for winning the Jennifer Wollmann prize for Civic Engagment!
Congratulations to Raul Louriero on being named the 2015-16 Top Graduate Senior, Andrew Langen for winning the Jennifer Wollmann prize for Outstanding Performance in History, and Nikhita Allam for earning the Jennifer Wollmann prize for Civic Engagement!
The Department of History is pleased to accounce Katrina Enoch, Raul Loureiro, and Austin Skiera have been elected to the prestigous Phi Beta Kappa Honors Soceity! The Department of History has secleted Raul Loureiro to recieve its 2016 Top Graduating Senior in History award! He will be recognized along with other distinguished students at the Honors Convocation. He is pictured below after successfully submitting his honors thesis alongside his advisor Professor Don Spivey. Congratulations on this accomplishment!
The Department of History presented its 2014-15 Undergraduate Awards to four graduating history majors at a luncheon during the final week of classes. Sean Driscoll ’15 received the Top Graduating Senior in History award, as well as the Jennifer Wollmann Award for Civic Engagement in the History Major. Ryden Butler ’15, Stephen Carbonneau ’15, and Michelle Kautz ’15 each received the Outstanding Senior in History award. Congratulations to our award winners and to all of the history majors graduating this year!